Still not much happening to report about the adoption process. Our last home study interview is scheduled for Monday. This time our social worker will come to our house and talk to our kids, Mike and I will have a joint interview and she'll look around the house to make sure it looks safe. I'm not sure why, but Abby and Caleb are so excited! They have been asking about it since we first started the process.
Recently, we were able to send a care package to Gabriel and we should eventually get some pictures of him with the stuff we sent. They won't tell him that it is from his family, he doesn't know about us yet. He won't know he has a family coming for him until we're pretty close to traveling. We sent him an outfit, touch and feel book, phone that plays music and something to cuddle. Usually families will send a photo book that is used to help prepare the kids for adoption when the time comes but that won't work for our little guy. Maybe we will send him voice recordings later on in the process.
I can't wait to get the new pictures! I wish I could share them with you all....eventually I will.
We re-launched our t-shirt fundraiser, this will be the last chance to get one. We have sold 9 on this second round and we have 9 days left. I would like to sell at least 4 more for us to be able to make a small profit off them. The more we sell the higher the profit. So, if you want one or know someone who might be interested please help us out. Follow the link below.
…and while we're on the topic of t-shirts, just look at this one. I cannot wait for the day Gabriel is wearing this.
Thank you following our adoption journey, please keep us in your prayers.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Monday, June 22, 2015
I currently do not have an update about our adoption process, we are working on finishing our home study and I can't wait until I actually have exciting updates to share.
So this week's post will be about some amazing products Abby and I have been using from Banded.
First let's talk about some super awesome things Banded is doing. Banded partners with Amazima Ministries to help children in Uganda. Every Banded product purchased provides 3 meals for Amazima's daily feeding program. Banded also works with the T. J. Martell Foundation, donating 10% of all online sales for leukemia, cancer and AIDS research. How great is that?!?
Banded sells headbands, scarves, hair ties, apparel and keychains. The headbands are so comfortable and stay put, no need to adjust. Abby wore this one all day and never had to fix it once.

I always wear a headband to the gym and it's so comfortable I forget it's even there. The 5/15 tank top is so soft and comfy too. Banded has a goal to reach 5 million meals in 2015.
So this week's post will be about some amazing products Abby and I have been using from Banded.
First let's talk about some super awesome things Banded is doing. Banded partners with Amazima Ministries to help children in Uganda. Every Banded product purchased provides 3 meals for Amazima's daily feeding program. Banded also works with the T. J. Martell Foundation, donating 10% of all online sales for leukemia, cancer and AIDS research. How great is that?!?
Banded sells headbands, scarves, hair ties, apparel and keychains. The headbands are so comfortable and stay put, no need to adjust. Abby wore this one all day and never had to fix it once.
Here is Abby wearing another cute headband.
Sparkly headband to dress up an outfit.
Hair ties! I'm one of those girls that always has a hairband on my wrist at all times…just in case, but I also like to wear bracelets and a hairband just doesn't blend in. So… I recently started using these type of hair ties and they work perfectly with bracelets and I can still put my hair up if I want to. This one isn't from Banded but they have a bunch of really cute ones on their website.
And finally… my favorite…the scarf. I love scarves, they instantly make an outfit so much better! I got so many compliments when I wore this, it's super light and doesn't make you hot. Love it!
Go check out the website, you won't be disappointed and you'll be making a difference in children's lives while buying yourself cute stuff!
Monday, June 1, 2015
This week marks one year since God started speaking to my heart about adopting a child with special needs. What a year it has been! I can't even explain all the feelings and emotions I've felt already.
We finally dropped off our home study paperwork to our social worker, now we can finish our interviews and home visit. When our home study is complete the rest of the paperwork will start to move along faster. We're moving forward, not a whole lot to report. On to the FAQ's…..
1. Who, What, Where, When, Why?
We're adopting a little boy from China, he's blind, he is two now and will be three when we bring him home. The process will be up to a year and it's all part of God's plan for our family.
2. How long will the process be?
It will be 10-12 months, we are hoping closer to 10 months because we would love to have Gabriel in our arms for his birthday in March. So many March birthdays in the family :)
3. Can he see at all? He doesn't look blind.
As far as we know, Gabriel has no vision or light sense ( according to his file). There are different eye conditions that cause blindness. Some people have eyes that look perfectly normal but they are still blind. It is unclear what specific eye condition Gabriel has.
4. How much will it cost? How will you afford it?
The total process will be about $35,000. We are fundraising ( as you know), soon we will be able to apply for grants, we're selling things from around the house, Mike is working extra hours and weekends, and if we need to get a loan we will, after all, people get loans for cars that cost as much or more than the cost of adoption. A lot of factors go in to the cost of adoption, we're paying for services NOT the child we are adopting.
5. Do you have to travel to China?
Yes, we will be in china for about two weeks. We've never been away from our kids for that long :(
…and I, ( Kari) am not the best traveler, flying is not my favorite and it's a really long flight, but I'll be fine. We are looking forward to seeing China.
6. Are you scared/ nervous about life with a blind child?
Mike was a little intimidated at first but I, personally have had complete peace about it. Visual impairment was the first special need I felt drawn to when God placed adoption on my heart a year ago.
7. Will he have to go to The School for the Blind?
Nope, We are grateful that the Tennessee School for the Blind is an option but the public school system provides services for blind children and we plan to start out there and see how it goes.
8. How did you go about finding this particular child?
There are advocacy websites with lists of waiting children. I had been looking at these for a year while we were praying about adoption. I actually saw Gabriel on three sites in one morning and took that as a sign that I should request his file. We had his file put on hold while we were reviewing it and on Good Friday we said "yes, this is our child", and began this crazy process.
9. Is he in an orphanage?
No, he is living in a wonderful foster home for children with visual impairments and he is loved.
10. Other information:
Gabriel is just learning to walk, he is not talking yet but he does babble and he can understand his care takers when they speak to him.
Thanks for reading, I hope this was helpful to anyone who might have questions for us.
We have lots of middle puzzle pieces left. Sponsor a piece for $10. Link below
We have lots of middle puzzle pieces left. Sponsor a piece for $10. Link below
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