Gabe finally has insurance so I've been busy scheduling all the appointments he needs. He will be starting therapy and preschool in the next few months. I think the schedule and routine of preschool will be good for him.
Below are a few facts about Gabe
Things Gabe likes:
-playing with daddy
Things Gabe doesn't like:
-going places (it's getting better though)
-feeding himself
-walking a lot
-waking up (that's getting better too)
-waiting 2 minutes for his breakfast to be made
-drinking water
Abby thought it would be hilarious for a Chinese boy to get a picture with a hay bale.
Gabe likes to booty bounce on the trampoline. Soon he'll be jumping all over it!
He's feeling the under side of the bench.
He was tired and ready to go home but the lighting is pretty. :)
Why are you so cute???
It's so nice to have the school playground right behind our house.

Laughing hysterically at the sound of the table moving on the patio.
I can't wait to see where we are in another six months. What a journey this has been. Thanks for following. We love ya'll!