We've spent the first 8 months keeping Gabe's world very small, partly because it took so long to get his insurance going, but he truly needed that time to just be at home and get comfortable with his new life. The Lord works in mysterious ways, if he had insurance from the beginning we would have started all his appointments and therapies soon after coming home and I know now that he wouldn't have been ready for all of that. He has gone from being angry, upset, grouchy, and aggressive to mostly a happy little guy (as long as we're at home). Still working on going places but we'll get there.
We finally made it to the ophthalmologist where he was diagnosed with Optic Nerve Hypoplasia, this condition affects the brain as well, so he's scheduled for a sedated MRI in January. He may still have some light perception but the doctor said we would have to wait until he can tell us because his pupils did not react to the light You can see him squinting in the sunlight in one of the pictures below.
So, Gabe is getting started on all of his therapies which include: physical, occupational. speech, and feeding. He's also starting preschool on January 4th, three hours a day, Monday -Friday. His teacher is amazing, I love her already and his TVI is also very sweet and has so many ideas for the classroom. The class has three typical kids and six special needs kids, Gabe will have either the teacher or and aide with him at all times, they take turns with the kids that need constant assistance. They have made a little safe area in the room for him start out in to get used to the sounds and just being in school without getting too overwhelmed being in the middle of all the kids. Once he gets comfortable they'll transition him to the regular routine. He will be starting orientation and mobility training in the spring and I'm really excited for him to learn to be more independent.
After months and months of barely any sleep I broke down and ordered a weighted blanket for Gabe, I was hesitant to buy one because they are pricey and he doesn't like blankets, but that blanket is magical!! We just put it on him after he falls asleep and he now sleeps without waking up for hours during the night. Woohoo!