Gabe has been home 20 months now. That's 20 months of joy and tears, happy times and hard times, laughter and heartbreak, love and learning, and all things in between! It's a roller coaster ride that's for sure! Gabe is having a bit of a hard time lately, every 2-3 months he gets in a funk like this, it's strange and it can last a week or up to a month. I've noticed weather change affects him and the weather in TN has been insane so maybe that's what's going on. I also think he's going through the terrible two's even though he's four. He's been having tantrums when he doesn't get his way or when he's told no and he's been giving all his "people" a hard time (teachers, therapists, TVI, O&M). Basically, he wants to do what HE wants to do and not do what anyone else wants him to do. So, I was a little worried going into his IEP meeting this morning because I know how difficult he's been lately. I printed off several copies of this article on post orphanage behavior to give them a better understanding about him and his sometimes VERY difficult behavior. They all seemed eager to read it so that's good. I love all his people, ya'll! The first thing said this morning was "We just love him! Everyone is this building that knows him loves him!" That was followed by everyone talking "bragging" about all the progress he's made so far. I realize all IEP meetings don't go like this and I feel amazingly blessed by Gabe's wonderful team. We talked about kindergarten next year which i'm quite concerned about how a full day of school will go. He'll be in a regular classroom for some parts of the day and a special education class for the rest of the day. My plan is for him to be fully potty trained before kindergarten but if not they will work on it at school. Yay!
That's all Ive got for today. Please pray for Gabe to get his happy back. Love y'all!
By the way, muffin tins are hilarious!