Tuesday, October 27, 2015


Yesterday our dossier arrived in Beijing! We are now waiting on LID- which means (logged in dossier). Often when people are starting an adoption they refer to as being "paper pregnant", because there is so much paperwork to do before you get to your baby! The paper work is referred to as "the paper chase".
There are many acronyms that go along with China adoption and it can be very confusing. Mike doesn't even know what i'm talking about a lot of the time.
As promised, here is a list:

CCCWA- Chinese Center for Children's Welfare Services
SWI or CWI- Social welfare Institute or Children's Welfare Institute = orphanage
USCIS- U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (Homeland Security)
LOI- letter of intent. Letter to China asking to adopt a specific child
PA- pre-approval- child has been put on hold for you
HS- home study
DTC- dossier to China
LID- logged in dossier-CCCWA received your dossier and issues a Log In Date.
LOA- letter of action LSC- letter seeking confirmation- you are officially approved and matched with your child.
I800A- application to Homeland Security asking to be approved to adopt a non-specific child
I800- application to Homeland Security asking to adopt a specific child (I am currently working on this)
NVC- National Visa Center
Article 5- Lets the CCCWA know that you are approved by the US Government to adopt that specific child.
TA- travel approval
CA- Consulate appointment- you will ask for your Chils'd US Visa and swear an oath.

These are some of the acronyms that I may have used before on the blog or will be using in the near future.

I hope this helps you all understand the process a little better.  Hopefully the next blog post will say LID!!!

We are still looking for donations for our silent auction/dinner fundraiser.  If you think you might be able to help with this please let us know.

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